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Data and Me


This story begins at the end of a trek.

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I can use this data for my M.Sc dissertation project!

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Illustration by Ipshita

IndiaHikes was kind enough to send me 7000 samples, all the way from Dehradun!


Image from Alibaba

And then... data entry began!

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Sometimes, it was fun!

With unexpected surprises...

...And some adventures along the way

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Data that refused to be digitised...

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Data that demanded pampering...

And finally, it was done!

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I could do a happy dance!

I literally cried when I saw this beauty!

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Then my presentation journey began.

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Imposter syndrome is real!

I had some wins along the way!

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Illustration by Ipshita

And data became my friend!

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Images by Ishani

Here's me talking about it on a video podcast with Indiahikes!

Totally worth it!
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Illustration by Ipshita

About Ishani

Ishani Ghotikar is an applied nutrition researcher. She loves to write and to climb mountains.

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